Featured below are the interviews, podcasts, radio shows, and news articles I have been interviewed for regarding the benefits of divorce coaching.

You can also find a list of  resources and recommendations for books relating to divorce and healing.

I was asked by my certifying school, the Certified Divorce Coaching College®  to talk about my experience with Divorce Coaching. Directly below are a my interviews *Please note the client I discuss did give consent for the information presented.

Interviewed on 1-4-2020 On iHeart Radio, click on photo to listen.
Leah Hadley, CDFA's Blog on What is A Divorce Coach and Do You Need One?



National Domestic Violence Hotline


 Link to Information regarding State Laws pertaining to divorce


The Five Love Languages-Gary Chapman

How We Love – Milan and Kay Yerkovich

The Gift Of Change- Marianne Williamson

Why Marriages Succeed or Fail- John Gottman, Ph.D

7 things he’ll never tell you (but you need to know)- Dr. Kevin Leman

Leave A Cheater Gain A Life- Tracy Schorn (The Chump Lady)

disarming the narcissist (second edition) Surviving & Thriving with the Self-Absorbed – Wendy t. Behary, LCSW


What About The Kids? Raising Your Children Before, During and After Divorce- Judith Wallerstein

The Resilience Factor – Karen Reivich, Ph.D and Andrew Shatte Ph.D

The Book of Awakening Having the Life You Want by being present to the Life You Have- Mark Nepo

AHA Moments: When Intellect & Intuition Collide- Dianna Amorde

I Want ME Back! There’s Sunshine Ahead – John E. Long, Jr.